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Qylis offers secure, on-premise AI capabilities using vetted open-source models, ensuring data privacy while leveraging the power of GPT models.
The advent of Chat GPT has generated significant excitement about AI and its potential. Users worldwide have started utilizing these chat utilities to alleviate the repetitive tasks associated with writing, reading, and comprehension. However, this enthusiasm has also posed challenges for businesses in certain sectors, as users began uploading confidential information to these platforms. While businesses can control the proliferation of confidential data by blocking these chat utilities within their networks, they risk missing out on the benefits of AI innovations.
Qylis has developed a solution using vetted open-source models that allows users to perform the same tasks as Chat GPT on-premise, ensuring that no data leaves the premises. This approach enables users to leverage the advantages of GPT models in a highly secure manner. Additionally, we have integrated a security layer into the solution, allowing users to generate responses from documents they have access to. This solution is also extensible for businesses with data both on the cloud and on-premise.
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